Little Lake Clark

Little Lake Clark is my favorite place to go in a boat from Lake Clark. The water is beautiful, the cliffs are awe-inspiring, shooting straight up on both sides, there is an amazing waterfall with a false cave you can hike to in a morning or afternoon. There are great camping and fishing locations. It is far enough away from the villages and difficult enough to get to that you will rarely see another person there.

Little Lake Clark
Little Lake Clark looking towards Lake Clark

Located at the head of Lake Clark, Little Lake Clark looks like it should be part of the same lake. However, they are separated by a very shallow sandbar and the only access into Little Lake Clark is a narrow river against the cliffs. The water is murky from the glacial silt, and you can not easily see the channel through and have to trust to memory, blind trust, and the knowledge you will likely hit bottom at some point. (we will often put an old prop on my skiff when we go in there, just so we won’t ding up my nicer one)

Camping by the Bay in Little Lake Clark
Camping by the Bay in Little Lake Clark

Once into Little Lake Clark, part way up, there is a peaceful little bay with two creeks running into it. The larger creek, almost a river, has a great flat raised beach area that is great for setting up camp. The smaller creek still has a significant amount of water flowing through but can be waded across and has a game trail alongside it, crossing back and forth until you get to the massive waterfall, which is even more awe-inspiring up close than it is when viewed from the lake or an airplane.

Waterfall at Little Lake Clark
Waterfall at Little Lake Clark
Waterfall and Cave at Little Lake Clark
Waterfall and Cave at Little Lake Clark

From that bay you can canoe or kayak up the lake along the cliffs and nose into the hollows (not quite caves) in the cliffs and explore and appreciate the beauty all around. Across the lake are lots of small waterfalls coming down the cliffs.

Cliffs and Caves at Little Lake Clark
Cliffs and Caves at Little Lake Clark
Small Waterfall at Little Lake Clark
Small Waterfall at Little Lake Clark

Further up the lake are more feeder streams and while we have never tried or learned, we have always wondered if it would be a good place to try gold panning. Even if it isn’t, the fishing and scenery has always been enough for me. You might even see a bear.

Bear Tracks at Little Lake Clark
Bear Tracks at Little Lake Clark

Guests of Sailing Lake Clark will likely anchor the sailing catamaran near the head of Lake Clark, as it is too large to go through the channel up into Little Lake Clark. Then they will either canoe/kayak or take the dingy or skiff up into it for day trips.